Virginia Housing and Community Development Corporation


I understand the VHCDC Home Owner Assistance Program (the Program) provides comprehensive training and assistance for First-Time and Second-Chance Home Buyers. I understand that services include, but are not limited to, home ownership training, pre-purchase and credit/financial counseling, advisory services, professional assistance, and post-settlement financial assistance.

I agree to schedule and attend all training, one-on-one counseling, and orientation with Affiliates. I understand that if I am a “No Show” for any scheduled appointment I will be WITHDRAWN from the Program and ineligible to receive any financial assistance. I further understand the Enrollment Fee ($99.95) is non-refundable.

I agree to use the services of VHCDC Home Ownership Assistance Program Affiliates to assist me with my purchase. I understand that VHCDC will assign an in-house Buyer’s Agent and Closing/Settlement Agent to help me purchase a home. If I am purchasing a home that I am renting or leasing VHCDC will assign an in-house Real Estate Attorney to represent me with my purchase.

I understand the Program does NOT provide reverse mortgage and foreclosure prevention counseling or assistance.

I agree to work with the VHCDC Financial Advisors and/or Housing Counselor(s) to develop a written Action Plan (the Plan) consisting of recommendations for resolving and improving my credit, improving my finances, and purchasing a home. I will communicate my progress monthly with the Housing Services Office (HSO) and alert my Housing Services Office (HSO) Representative immediately of any changes to my home address, telephone number, and/or employment status. I will communicate my financial progress by submitting an updated Personal Financial Statement (PFS) and Household Budget (HHB) or Housing Spending Plan (HHSP) to my Housing Services Office (HSO) Representative no later than the 15th of each month.

I understand my Work Plan may include referrals to VHCDC Affiliates, service partners, and others, as appropriate, and I agree to do my best to resolve any issues identified in the Plan.

I understand that the Program is a two (2) year commitment, as of the date of execution of this Agreement, and I agree to be an active participant during the entire term of this Agreement, understanding I may complete the Program sooner. I agree to notify VHCDC in the event I become unable to comply with the terms of this Agreement. I will give written notice to VHCDC within twenty (20) days of said event. Should I become inactive or otherwise fail to communicate my progress, employment status, change of address and/or telephone number, or otherwise become non-response, VHCDC may terminate my enrollment subject to not more than three (3) attempts to reach me. Said attempts may include, but are not limited to, outreach via telehone, text, email, and U.S. mail.

I understand that enrollment in the Program is not a commitment by any VHCDC Affiliate to approve any application for any product(s) or service(s) provided by such Affiliates. I understand that only the Affiliate(s) can make such commitment, and only upon proper receipt and approval of an Application(s), Contract(s), and Agreement(s) completed and submitted by me. I understand that any commitment(s) must be in writing.

If I am enrolled in the HOMEownership DPA/CCA, SPARC, Virginia Individual Development Account (VIDA) program, or any other down-payment assistance program administered by VHCDC, I will also fully comply with the terms and conditions of that program, in addition to these terms and conditions.

I understand that VHCDC and its Affiliates may provide information on additional housing products and services. I understand that I am under no obligation to purchase or use any of these particular products and services.

I understand that VHCDC actively supports and promotes the creation and operation of hybrid Investment Clubs; conducts activities to acquire, rehabilitate, and sell or rent single and multi-family housing; manages rental housing; and consults and facilitates various forms of financing for small, disadvantaged businesses. I understand that I am not obligated to receive, purchase or utilize any other services offered by VHCDC, its affiliates, or exclusive partners, in order to receive housing counseling services.

I understand that VHCDC and its service partners and affiliates use various means of communicating with enrolled clients. I authorize VHCDC and its service partners and affiliates to contact me via SMS text message, email, videoconferencing, and phone regarding any appointments, program updates, housing education, housing counseling, and any other information related to the Home Ownership Assistance Program (HOAP).  Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties.  [NOTE: A "Digital and Voice Consent Agreement" will be provided for your signature prior to enrollment] 

The Enrollment Fee is $99.95 per household.  The fee is Non-Refundable.